Empresa worked as part of the renovation of the Cley visitor complex at NWT Cley Marshes to develop Touch Screen Vistor Centre terminals.
We developed an offline application that could be used on Touch Screens at the Cley Visitor Centre, but created in a manner that content could be shared with their public website as well as administered by their staff using the exact same service as their website content. The software developed by Empresa would use an internet connection from Cley to automatically synchronise the content held on the application with that being administered and published through the online website control panel.
Our team of developers used touch-screen technology to enable visitors to see information about the Cley reserve and view submitted visitor’s photos, memories and letters which have gathered over the years, and now continued to contributed by visitors on a regular basis.
Situated in the main centre, close to the centre’s celebrated view, the screen adds to the visitor experience and provides personal insight into what the centre means to people.
The application is updated each day with new materials that have been provided by the visitors and so, is a constantly changing reminder of how the Trust has inspired generation’s interest in the Norfolk wildlife.